Friday, March 26, 2010

Audible Burst + Holy Mountains @ The Hideaway

This Sunday, March 28th KY boys Holy Mountains and Audible Burst will be throwing down some doom at the Hideaway in Johnson City, Tennessee. Audible Burst will be performing the latest installment of bass/drum doom. Also playing will be locals Cerements. If you happen to be in the area the check it out. Only $5 and starts at 10p.m.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

'Behold......The Ides of March'

Face it, Monday's generally suck ass. So why not make Monday, March 15th a little bit better of a day and come out to Wiseguys in Somerset,KY for some soul crushing frequencies? Playing will be Illinois doom outfit Cloud Burial as well as Kentucky boys Holy Mountains and Eyelid Conspiracy. Also there will be Audible Burst's newest installment of bass/drum/noise...4 bands, 5 bucks. Starts at 6 p.m. So bring your ass and some friends, as well as a few bones and have a great start to your week.